Beauty is something that lies within one's eyes. People see you the way they are, and not the way you are. I don't like Julia Roberts, I don't know maybe I'm the one who's jealous, but she is beautiful it's a fact. And so am I. :)
Beauty is all around us. I define beauty as.. whatever that makes me smile, makes me happy.. The sky is beautiful, kids are beautiful (the laughing, naughty ones lol) , the grass, the snow, the flowers, the butterflies are beautiful.. Every person is beautiful.
We are learning this since childhood that External beauty is temporary, it does fade away right! what remains forever is the eternal beauty. Keep this in mind.
Be confident, love yourself, drink lots of water, stay fit, stand up for yourself, enhance your skills.. And you'll rule the world :)
"You're beautiful, No matter what they say" - Christina Aguilera
Stay Raw. Stay you.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
After being raped, I was wounded; My honour was not: Sohaila Abdulali
After being raped, I was wounded; My honour was not: Sohaila Abdulali

"When I fought to live that night, I hardly knew what I was fighting for. A male friend and I had gone for a walk up a mountain near my home. Four armed men caught us and made us climb to a secluded spot, where they raped me for several hours, and beat both of us. They argued among themselves about whether or not to kill us, and finally let us go.
At 17, I was just a child. Life rewarded me richly for surviving. I stumbled home, wounded and traumatized, to a fabulous family. With them on my side, so much came my way. I found true love. I wrote books. I saw a kangaroo in the wild. I caught buses and missed trains. I had a shining child. The century changed. My first gray hair appeared.
Too many others will never experience that. They will not see that it gets better, that the day comes when one incident is no longer the central focus of your life. One day you find you are no longer looking behind you, expecting every group of men to attack. One day you wind a scarf around your throat without having a flashback to being choked. One day you are not frightened anymore.
Rape is horrible. But it is not horrible for all the reasons that have been drilled into the heads of Indian women. It is horrible because you are violated, you are scared, someone else takes control of your body and hurts you in the most intimate way. It is not horrible because you lose your “virtue.” It is not horrible because your father and your brother are dishonored. I reject the notion that my virtue is located in my vagina, just as I reject the notion that men’s brains are in their genitals.
If we take honor out of the equation, rape will still be horrible, but it will be a personal, and not a societal, horror. We will be able to give women who have been assaulted what they truly need: not a load of rubbish about how they should feel guilty or ashamed, but empathy for going through a terrible trauma.
The week after I was attacked, I heard the story of a woman who was raped in a nearby suburb. She came home, went into the kitchen, set herself on fire and died. The person who told me the story was full of admiration for her selflessness in preserving her husband’s honor. Thanks to my parents, I never did understand this.
The law has to provide real penalties for rapists and protection for victims, but only families and communities can provide this empathy and support. How will a teenager participate in the prosecution of her rapist if her family isn’t behind her? How will a wife charge her assailant if her husband thinks the attack was more of an affront to him than a violation of her?
At 17, I thought the scariest thing that could happen in my life was being hurt and humiliated in such a painful way. At 49, I know I was wrong: the scariest thing is imagining my 11-year-old child being hurt and humiliated. Not because of my family’s honor, but because she trusts the world and it is infinitely painful to think of her losing that trust. When I look back, it is not the 17-year-old me I want to comfort, but my parents. They had the job of picking up the pieces.
This is where our work lies, with those of us who are raising the next generation. It lies in teaching our sons and daughters to become liberated, respectful adults who know that men who hurt women are making a choice, and will be punished.
When I was 17, I could not have imagined thousands of people marching against rape in India, as we have seen these past few weeks. And yet there is still work to be done. We have spent generations constructing elaborate systems of patriarchy, caste and social and sexual inequality that allow abuse to flourish. But rape is not inevitable, like the weather. We need to shelve all the gibberish about honor and virtue and did-she-lead-him-on and could-he-help-himself. We need to put responsibility where it lies: on men who violate women, and on all of us who let them get away with it while we point accusing fingers at their victims."
- Sohaila Abdulali.
via- Everyspark

"When I fought to live that night, I hardly knew what I was fighting for. A male friend and I had gone for a walk up a mountain near my home. Four armed men caught us and made us climb to a secluded spot, where they raped me for several hours, and beat both of us. They argued among themselves about whether or not to kill us, and finally let us go.
At 17, I was just a child. Life rewarded me richly for surviving. I stumbled home, wounded and traumatized, to a fabulous family. With them on my side, so much came my way. I found true love. I wrote books. I saw a kangaroo in the wild. I caught buses and missed trains. I had a shining child. The century changed. My first gray hair appeared.
Too many others will never experience that. They will not see that it gets better, that the day comes when one incident is no longer the central focus of your life. One day you find you are no longer looking behind you, expecting every group of men to attack. One day you wind a scarf around your throat without having a flashback to being choked. One day you are not frightened anymore.
Rape is horrible. But it is not horrible for all the reasons that have been drilled into the heads of Indian women. It is horrible because you are violated, you are scared, someone else takes control of your body and hurts you in the most intimate way. It is not horrible because you lose your “virtue.” It is not horrible because your father and your brother are dishonored. I reject the notion that my virtue is located in my vagina, just as I reject the notion that men’s brains are in their genitals.
If we take honor out of the equation, rape will still be horrible, but it will be a personal, and not a societal, horror. We will be able to give women who have been assaulted what they truly need: not a load of rubbish about how they should feel guilty or ashamed, but empathy for going through a terrible trauma.
The week after I was attacked, I heard the story of a woman who was raped in a nearby suburb. She came home, went into the kitchen, set herself on fire and died. The person who told me the story was full of admiration for her selflessness in preserving her husband’s honor. Thanks to my parents, I never did understand this.
The law has to provide real penalties for rapists and protection for victims, but only families and communities can provide this empathy and support. How will a teenager participate in the prosecution of her rapist if her family isn’t behind her? How will a wife charge her assailant if her husband thinks the attack was more of an affront to him than a violation of her?
At 17, I thought the scariest thing that could happen in my life was being hurt and humiliated in such a painful way. At 49, I know I was wrong: the scariest thing is imagining my 11-year-old child being hurt and humiliated. Not because of my family’s honor, but because she trusts the world and it is infinitely painful to think of her losing that trust. When I look back, it is not the 17-year-old me I want to comfort, but my parents. They had the job of picking up the pieces.
This is where our work lies, with those of us who are raising the next generation. It lies in teaching our sons and daughters to become liberated, respectful adults who know that men who hurt women are making a choice, and will be punished.
When I was 17, I could not have imagined thousands of people marching against rape in India, as we have seen these past few weeks. And yet there is still work to be done. We have spent generations constructing elaborate systems of patriarchy, caste and social and sexual inequality that allow abuse to flourish. But rape is not inevitable, like the weather. We need to shelve all the gibberish about honor and virtue and did-she-lead-him-on and could-he-help-himself. We need to put responsibility where it lies: on men who violate women, and on all of us who let them get away with it while we point accusing fingers at their victims."
- Sohaila Abdulali.
via- Everyspark
Friday, April 26, 2013
Cease The Moment

Don't not take a chance to regret later. So that one day when you're old sitting on a bench near the sea and thinking about the life you have lived, you feel that life could have been better. Take chances, make mistakes, don't regret. It's life and it's okay to make mistakes.
So, take too many pictures, laugh to
death, forgive freely and love like you
have never been hurt. Life comes
with no guarantees, no
second chances. So struggle on chance, live the chance, Dance on the chance.
You just have to live life to the
fullest, tell someone off, speak out,
dance in the pouring rain holding
someone's hand,comfort a friend, fall
asleep watching sun coming up, stay
up late, be a flirt,smile until your face hurts. Keep it simple.
Cease the moment because every
second you spend angry or upset is a
second of happiness you can never
get back.
Remember one thing, that the life you're living is a one which somebody secretly wishes for.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Heartbeats; Letting go
The moment in life when the one you value the most, feels unvalued. That's when you realize you've not done your job properly. The situation is something which cannot be altered, you have to take it as it is. No matter how much you cry, you have to regret the things not done, not said.. However hard you try, you can't do a thing about it. You hold , for better things coming. You are willing to give up anything for a better tomorrow. But, No response. And that's when you know, you have to let go. :)
Never stick too much, that you lose you're own importance. Respect yourself. Smile. It's not that difficult, Letting Go .. .
Never stick too much, that you lose you're own importance. Respect yourself. Smile. It's not that difficult, Letting Go .. .
Friday, April 12, 2013
Heartbeats; Mistakes
The sad moment when you realize, that special one and you are slowly drifting apart.. And you are the reason behind it.
In agony, people tend to make mistakes they regret forever. Even the little ones. But relations are way above that. When both of you are willing to make the relationship work, these things/mistakes don't matter much. You are always ready to ignore the lies and the lapse if you really love the person given that they are inclined to revert.
We all make mistakes. But this is life and It's okay to make mistakes!!
One day, everything will be fine.. Because in the end everything falls into it's right place. : )
In agony, people tend to make mistakes they regret forever. Even the little ones. But relations are way above that. When both of you are willing to make the relationship work, these things/mistakes don't matter much. You are always ready to ignore the lies and the lapse if you really love the person given that they are inclined to revert.
We all make mistakes. But this is life and It's okay to make mistakes!!
One day, everything will be fine.. Because in the end everything falls into it's right place. : )
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Heartbeats; Trust
Trust. Something which takes years to build and seconds to break. This is quoted quite often. Somewhere or the other. Remember one thing.. An "I trust you" is way greater than " I love you" . Respect that. Now look at this, there must be at least one person in your life you trust somewhere near blindly. A relative, a friend or a lover.. And then you realize, shit just got serious.
It's like they were floating, over you.. And you just din mind. For somebody you trusted so much, gave your everything to.. Just stabbed you.
You're shattered into pieces. Like anything. You've lost. Everything. It seems dark, wherever you see. No hope. It's like death.
Believe me it's not. It's just in that moment that makes you feel sick. There's no end to life until you stop loving your own self. If you don't trust yourself, no body would trust you. Fall in love with yourself. Look at everything with a very positive aspect. Everything shall pass.
Stay blessed, stay beautiful :)
It's like they were floating, over you.. And you just din mind. For somebody you trusted so much, gave your everything to.. Just stabbed you.
You're shattered into pieces. Like anything. You've lost. Everything. It seems dark, wherever you see. No hope. It's like death.
Believe me it's not. It's just in that moment that makes you feel sick. There's no end to life until you stop loving your own self. If you don't trust yourself, no body would trust you. Fall in love with yourself. Look at everything with a very positive aspect. Everything shall pass.
Stay blessed, stay beautiful :)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
I was just lying down when a thought clicked my mind.. For the one guy we love, we are ready to sacrifice anything ! For his one smile, one look..and.. Acceptance!
Acceptance is what everybody seeks for. Nothing dramatic, nothing made up.
We girls are supposed to take care of everything since the beginning. We have to see if we're dressed up right (according to the society actually) no matter we like it or not. We have to see to it that we make the "wise" choice with our young developing minds. What for? To be accepted. No one wants to be alienated.
The guy I was talking about earlier, would love you like anything.. Might help you through your problems, or even protect you. But in return he does expect things from you even though you are willing to do much more for them. Which is not a bad thing.. But he does. He expects you to live according to him, do things according to his will. Without you transforming into another person, he WON'T accept you.
And you just change, happily.. Take everything, without complaints. Because you seek for, Acceptance.
Acceptance is what everybody seeks for. Nothing dramatic, nothing made up.
We girls are supposed to take care of everything since the beginning. We have to see if we're dressed up right (according to the society actually) no matter we like it or not. We have to see to it that we make the "wise" choice with our young developing minds. What for? To be accepted. No one wants to be alienated.
The guy I was talking about earlier, would love you like anything.. Might help you through your problems, or even protect you. But in return he does expect things from you even though you are willing to do much more for them. Which is not a bad thing.. But he does. He expects you to live according to him, do things according to his will. Without you transforming into another person, he WON'T accept you.
And you just change, happily.. Take everything, without complaints. Because you seek for, Acceptance.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Smiles :)
Few days back I read a post on sixbillionsecrets by a boy who wrote that he would die if no one smiled at him that day. I know he's overseas and I cannot reach him anyhow but I made an effort by smiling at people passing by each day.
Smile a lot, it costs nothing :)
Smile a lot, it costs nothing :)
Saturday, January 19, 2013
At school
There was this guy who liked me. Too much. Enough to annoy me. I knew he expected I would like him too someday even after knowing I had no such feelings for him. That annoyed me more.
Everybody knew his love was genuine. He did care for me a lot. But, it's my choice too right I cannot like just anybody who likes me. I did consider him a good friend and respected him too. But his love for me was driving me insane. It was so sweet everywhere no fun only smiles and all. Ugh. I fought with him. And started hanging out with other people.
That's where came in my life a guy who was very, very funny. I gave in all my efforts to become friends with him. I really liked him. P.S as friends. Not my Prince Charming material. At all.
Each day, was so amazing with him. Life seemed complete with a friend like him. We were so happy together.
Until when.. We got so close that started expecting from each other. It wasn't a good sign. And then we kissed.. Is this love? I don't know! All I know is, I just love to see him smile, I love to see him happy .. I just love what he is to me.
Everybody knew his love was genuine. He did care for me a lot. But, it's my choice too right I cannot like just anybody who likes me. I did consider him a good friend and respected him too. But his love for me was driving me insane. It was so sweet everywhere no fun only smiles and all. Ugh. I fought with him. And started hanging out with other people.
That's where came in my life a guy who was very, very funny. I gave in all my efforts to become friends with him. I really liked him. P.S as friends. Not my Prince Charming material. At all.
Each day, was so amazing with him. Life seemed complete with a friend like him. We were so happy together.
Until when.. We got so close that started expecting from each other. It wasn't a good sign. And then we kissed.. Is this love? I don't know! All I know is, I just love to see him smile, I love to see him happy .. I just love what he is to me.
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